
Fielding in County Championship 1896 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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H Wood (Sy)25521062
D Hunter (Yor)23441357
J Tunnicliffe (Yor)2651 51
C Smith (La)2139847
JH Board (Gs)18321244
FH Huish (Kent)1838543
AFA Lilley (Wk)1730737
JP Whiteside (Le)1427633
W Storer (Dy)1526329
JR Mason (Kent)1828 28
A Pike (Nt)1622628
E Wainwright (Yor)2524 24
W Brockwell (Sy)2423 23
AE Stoddart (Mx)1622 22
HR Butt (Sx)1316521
TM Russell (Es)1118321
FW Tate (Sx)1821 21
JT Brown (Yor)2420 20
TW Hayward (Sy)2520 20
C Robson (Ham)1320 20
W Attewell (Nt)1619 19
AG Paul (La)1818 18
G MacGregor (Mx)712517
DA Steele (Ham)1617 17
W Chatterton (Dy)1616 16
GH Hirst (Yor)2516 16
FC Holland (Sy)2016 16
AE Newton (Sm)812416
A Hearne (Kent)1515 15
AC MacLaren (La)1015 15
JT Tyldesley (La)1615 15
G Bean (Sx)1714 14
JT Hearne (Mx)1614 14
AO Jones (Nt)1614 14
FWD Quinton (Ham)914 14
T Richardson (Sy)2514 14
EJ Tyler (Sm)1614 14
EH Bray (Mx)811213
WG Grace (Gs)1813 13
FS Jackson (Yor)1613 13
LCH Palairet (Sm)1513 13
WG Quaife (Wk)1813 13
JT Rawlin (Mx)1613 13
FG Roberts (Gs)1513 13
EG Wynyard (Ham)812113
CJ Burnup (Kent)1212 12
GA Davidson (Dy)1612 12
D Denton (Yor)2312 12
GA Lohmann (Sy)1712 12
RCN Palairet (Sm)1012 12
F Parris (Sx)1512 12
S Santall (Wk)1712 12
GHA Arlington (Sx)79211
GR Baker (La)2211 11
VA Barton (Ham)1611 11
GW Hillyard (Le)711 11
AN Hornby (La)511 11
TC O'Brien (Mx)1411 11
PA Perrin (Es)1211 11
KS Ranjitsinhji (Sx)1711 11
FH Sugg (La)2211 11
W Tomlin (Le)1411 11
CL Townsend (Gs)1811 11
HW Bainbridge (Wk)1810 10
H Baldwin (Ham)1610 10
HA Carpenter (Es)1210 10
F Geeson (Le)1210 10
EH Killick (Sx)1810 10
R Peel (Yor)2410 10
G Porter (Dy)1410 10
AD Pougher (Le)1410 10
EB Shine (Kent)910 10
DJ Smith (Sm)1010 10
R Abel (Sy)269 9
WM Hemingway (Gs)109 9
J I'Anson (La)129 9
A Law (Wk)169 9
AW Mold (La)219 9
E Robson (Sm)169 9
AS Webb (Ham)159 9
AJ Webbe (Mx)139 9
SMJ Woods (Sm)169 9
H Wrathall (Gs)189 9
GR Bardswell (La)78 8
FG Bull (Es)128 8
EJ Diver (Wk)188 8
WG Grace (Gs)78 8
S Haigh (Yor)138 8
VT Hill (Sm)88 8
GL Jessop (Gs)108 8
AE Knight (Le)148 8
CJ Kortright (Es)108 8
F Marchant (Kent)188 8
F Martin (Kent)178 8
E Smith (Yor)98 8
HF Ward (Ham)168 8
AP Wickham (Sm)7628
LG Wright (Dy)15718
A Bairstow (Yor)2617
WM Bradley (Kent)77 7
LC Braund (Sy)97 7
HB Daft (Nt)137 7
FL Fane (Es)87 7
W Gunn (Nt)117 7
JJ Hulme (Dy)167 7
FW Milligan (Yor)167 7
PW Oscroft (Nt)67 7
HJ Pallett (Wk)187 7
WW Read (Sy)257 7
A Shrewsbury (Nt)137 7
T Soar (Ham)127 7
CM Wells (Mx)77 7
FH Bacon (Ham)106 6
J Briggs (La)226 6
A Collins (Sx)56 6
J Douglas (Mx)76 6
T Forrester (Wk)66 6
AW Hallam (La)186 6
RG Hardstaff (Nt)96 6
JC Hartley (Sx)116 6
Lord Hawke (Yor)206 6
J Holland (Le)106 6
RS Lucas (Mx)146 6
JT Mounsey (Yor)166 6
W Newham (Sx)186 6
W Quaife (Wk)176 6
GJV Weigall (Kent)166 6
CW Wright (Nt)146 6
JA Dixon (Nt)135 5
SH Evershed (Dy)135 5
W Flowers (Nt)105 5
ACS Glover (Wk)125 5
H Jessop (Gs)35 5
WH Lockwood (Sy)225 5
GA Marsden (Dy)145 5
R Moorhouse (Yor)205 5
WH Murch (Gs)105 5
WL Murdoch (Sx)175 5
GB Nichols (Sm)155 5
WH Patterson (Kent)75 5
AE Street (Sy)125 5
A Ward (La)225 5
GW Ayres (Sy)74 4
HF Bateman-Champain (Gs)34 4
HR Bromley-Davenport (Mx)164 4
S Brown (Nt)104 4
J Cresswell (Wk)64 4
HG Curgenven (Dy)54 4
CE de Trafford (Le)124 4
FGJ Ford (Mx)54 4
G Fowler (Sm)114 4
WC Hedley (Sm)84 4
JE Hill (Wk)34 4
KJ Key (Sy)244 4
CP McGahey (Es)124 4
HH Marriott (Le)34 4
C Marshall (Sy)14 4
W Mead (Es)124 4
HGP Owen (Es)124 4
H Pickett (Es)124 4
J Powers (Le)64 4
EB Rowley (La)124 4
J Wootton (Ham)74 4
W Wright (Kent)104 4
H Bagshaw (Dy)133 3
C Baldwin (Sy)83 3
FH Bateman-Champain (Gs)43 3
RA Bennett (Ham)43 3
CH Benton (La)33 3
JW Bonner (Es)83 3
ER Bradford (Ham)33 3
BB Gregory (Nt)23 3
FH Guttridge (Nt)143 3
Lord Harris (Kent)33 3
EG Hayes (Sy)43 3
JAE Hickson (Mx)1213
FE Lacey (Ham)43 3
FW Marlow (Sx)173 3
FM Meyrick-Jones (Kent)13 3
G Passmore (Ham)1213
G Pepall (Gs)83 3
COH Sewell (Gs)113 3
HC Stewart (Kent)43 3
R Thomas (La)1213
G Thornton (Mx)63 3
W Ward (Wk)73 3
JE West (Mx)13 3
SJ Whitehead (Wk)53 3
JF Arnold (La)22 2
JW Bennett (Dy)42 2
FC Bracher (Gs)52 2
JB Challen (Sm)42 2
GH Chambers (Nt)12 2
CO Cooper (Kent)42 2
HB Hayman (Mx)72 2
R Joyce (Le)52 2
SAP Kitcat (Gs)32 2
FG Kitchener (Ham)72 2
AJH Luard (Gs)32 2
J Phillips (Mx)122 2
RB Porch (Sm)42 2
FJ Poynton (Sm)32 2
JH Purdy (Dy)52 2
W Rashleigh (Kent)72 2
RW Rice (Gs)72 2
CJ Robinson (Sm)12 2
GL Robinson (Nt)52 2
FE Smith (Sy)22 2
HT Stanley (Sm)82 2
W Sugg (Dy)162 2
EL Thomas (Gs)72 2
A Woodcock (Le)142 2
WH Bailey (Le)21 1
SF Barnes (Wk)11 1
JF Bawtree (Es)11 1
J Bean (Sx)41 1
CA Beldam (Mx)21 1
HWR Bencraft (Ham)41 1
G Brann (Sx)61 1
J Brooks (Dy)21 1
WSA Brown (Gs)31 1
S Coe (Le)71 1
AH Delmé-Radcliffe (Ham)11 1
W Earnshaw (Yor)11 1
JW Easby (Kent)111 1
RW Fox (Sx)21 1
HT Gamlin (Sm)11 1
AL Gibson (Es)11 1
J Goodall (Dy)11 1
HS Goodwin (Gs)21 1
EM Grace (Gs)11 1
JR Gunn (Nt)11 1
JP Hall (Dy)11 1
EC Lee (Ham)11 1
CG Littlehales (Es)31 1
A Lorrimer (Le)21 1
AP Lucas (Es)21 1
EC Mordaunt (Kent)31 1
GJ Mordaunt (Kent)11 1
JR Painter (Gs)21 1
HC Prichard (Gs)21 1
JM Quinton (Ham)21 1
J Shaw (Yor)11 1
WB Sloman (Sm)21 1
CA Smith (Sx)11 1
GO Smith (Sy)21 1
JWA Stephenson-Jellie (Gs)31 1
CC Stone (Le)31 1
SM Tindall (La)31 1
FN Townsend (Gs)11 1
PF Warner (Mx)41 1
JW Welford (Wk)111 1
FT Welman (Sm)11 1
F Wright (Le)11 1





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